Lachlan Bowmer



Lochie joined CHG in August, just before his 20th birthday. Since then, Lachie has completed a Bachelor of Commerce Majoring in Accounting and is doing amazing work for our valued clients, helping them achieve some truly outsized and unexpected tax returns!

Lochie is an avid traveller and loves visiting new places with his beautiful girlfriend, Miki. Owing to his effortless good looks and unrelenting drive to optimise client outcomes, Lochie has earned the office nickname ‘Wonder Boy’. His happy place is his local, the Pav, where he enjoys great company and f-rosès.

Lochie loves clients to get a massive win and does his best work by collaborating with the Fuse Wealth team to ensure no stone is left unturned and no benefit is left on the table. Clients and team members alike love Lachie’s passion, enthusiasm, and results!

Lachlan Bowmer accountant


Quick Questions with Lachlan Bowmer

What do you like to do on your days off?
Tan, swim and relax.

What do you like most about your job?
The people and the opportunity to learn and grow in my chosen field of study.

Where would you like to travel to?

If you were on death row, what would your last meal be?
Pizza with cheesy crust and cheesy garlic bread (I love cheese).

What is your Motto or personal Mantra?
Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Where is your favourite place to eat?
Favourite restaurant would have to be Jimmy Wah’s.

What is your favourite movie?
Terminator 2: Judgement Day or Avatar

What books are at your bedside?
The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man’s Fear.

How do you define success?
Happiness in your professional and personal life.

What is the last joke you recall?
How did the bum die? …. He had a fart attack.